Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Kham

Close-up of carvings of stupas, deities, and prayers in the pile of prayer stones near the college. Close-up of the pile of prayer stones near the college. Close-up of the pile of prayer stones near the college. Close-up of the pile of prayer stones near the college. Close-up of the pile of prayer stones near the college. Close-up of the pile of prayer stones near the college. Prayer stones in the process of being carved. A view of the college from across the river.
A large pile of prayer stones near the college. A large pile of prayer stones near the college. A large pile of prayer stones near the college. A large pile of prayer stones near the college. A view of the back of the college. A view of the back of the college assembly hall from the outside. The college courtyard's juniper incense burner. Children playing in the college courtyard.
Monks in class in the Assembly Hall. Monks in class in the Assembly Hall. Monks in class in the Assembly Hall. The caretaker of the second floor of the college. Two monks inside the college. A statue of Padmasambhava inside the college. A statue of Padmasambhava inside the college. Monks debating religious topics in the courtyard of the college.
A large pile of prayer stones near the college. Houses near the college. View of the college from outside. View of the college from outside. A couple traveling on horseback. View of the college from across the river. View of the college from across the river. View of the river from within the college.

Kham in Topic
