Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Kham

A view of a part of Pelyul city from the monastery. The gate of the monastery. A Tibetan household near the monastery. A Chinese woman with the monastery in the background. Monk Tashi Phuntsok with the monastery in the background. Monk Tashi Phuntsok with the monastery in the background. David Germano with the monastery in the background. Pelyul Monastery.
Pelyul Monastery. Monastic residences. Monastic residences. A view of a part of Pelyul city from the monastery. A view of a part of Pelyul city from the monastery. A view of the main buildings of the monastery. A view of the Zangdok Pelri Temple and nearby buildings. A view of the main buildings of the monastery.
A Tibetan style office building. ATibetan style office building. A view of Pelyul Monastery (above) and Pelyul City (below). Pelyul Monastery and Zangdok Pelri Temple. Tibetan houses and a stupa on a hillside. A view of a stupa on a nearby hilltop. A view of Pelyul Monastery and Zangdok Pelri Temple from Pelyul city. People on the street.
Buildings along the side of the river. Buildings along the side of the river. A view of a stupa and the Zangdok Pelri Temple of Pelyul Monastery. A view of a stupa and the Zangdok Pelri Temple of Pelyul Monastery. Modern and traditional buildings built along the river. Modern apartment buildings built along the river. A view of Pelyul Monastery from across the river. Prayer flags strung along the riverside.

Kham in Topic
