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Resource #: 19469 (URL for reference)

Collections: 2001 Upper Tibet Antiquities Expedition (UTAE)


A Bon inscription in red ochre at bkra shis do chung (J-1). A small part of the lines a a dkar sa le 'od A yang Om' du, one of Bon's three greatest mantras, are visible in this image. Also shown is a conjoined sun and moon (nyi zla), and an unusual depiction of flaming jewels (nor bu me 'bar). The flaming jewels are set on a tall rectangular pedestal and seem to have seven tongues of fire issuing from them. Such inscriptions and symbols may have marked the concealment of Bon treasures (gter ma). The style of paleography and the representational motifs indicate that they were made prior to the dislodgement of the bon po from gnam mtsho in the 13th century. I think it likely that this inscription and accompanying motifs were created well before the bon po banishment/conversion, probably in the early historic period.

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: John Bellezza

Recording Note:

dam gzhung

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