Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Bhutan Cultural Library

Dance of the Raksha (Raksha mang 'cham): the sinner and the rakshas, Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Raksha (Raksha mang 'cham), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Raksha (Raksha mang 'cham), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Raksha (Raksha mang 'cham), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Raksha (Raksha mang 'cham): the raksha and the sinner, Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Raksha (Raksha mang 'cham): the raksha, the black demon and the sinner, Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stag (Sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stag (Sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day
Dance of the Raksha (Raksha mang 'cham), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Raksha (Raksha mang 'cham), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stag (Sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stag (Sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stag (Sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stag (Sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stags (sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stags (sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day
Dance of the Stags (sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Stag (Sha tsam), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death (gShin rje yab yum), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death and his consort (gShin rje yab yum), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death and his consort (gShin rje yab yum), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death and his consort (gShin rje yab yum), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death and his consort (gShin rje yab yum), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death and his consort (gShin rje yab yum) and laymen from the Uchu village in Paro, Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day
Dance of the Lord of death (gShin rje yab yum), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death (gShin rje yab yum), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of Uchu (U chu gzhas): laymen from the Uchu village in Paro, Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day laymen from the Uchu village in Paro who perform the dance of Uchu (U chu gzhas), Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death and his consort (gShin rje yab yum) and laymen from the Uchu village in Paro, Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day Dance of the Lord of death and his consort (gShin rje yab yum) and laymen from the Uchu village in Paro, Paro Tshechu (tshe bcu), 4th day The male sservant frolicking with the princesses, Dance of the Noblemen and the ladies (Pho legs mo legs), Paro Tshechu (tshes bcu), dance arena, Paro Tshechu (tshes bcu), 3rd day The female servant and  the princesses, Dance of the Noblemen and the ladies (Pho legs mo legs), Paro Tshechu (tshes bcu), dance arena, Paro Tshechu (tshes bcu), 3rd day

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