Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Adult Women's Shirt

A close up of a dancer with a peach colored shirt. A dancer with a peach colored shirt waiting to perform. A dancer with a peach colored shirt waiting to perform. Dancers with peach colored shirts waiting to perform. Dancers with peach colored shirts waiting to perform. David Germano and four dancers wearing red shirts. Four dancers wearing red shirts. A close up of two dancers wearing red shirts.
Performers walking to the performance site. A festival performer wearing a white chuba. Sonam Gyatso Rikne, the head of festival ??, and David Germano. Two young Tibetan girls dressed up for the festival. Two young Tibetan girls dressed up for the festival. People sitting around the field. Tibetan women wearing large necklaces. A 14 year old Tibetan girl wearing a baseball cap.
Tibetan women wearing large necklaces. A young Tibetan couple. Young Tibetans. Two Tibetan women wearing multiple necklaces. Tibetan children and adolescents at the festival site. Dressed up young Tibetan women at the festival site. Young Tibetan women wearing black chubas at the festival site.

Adult Women's Shirt in Topic
