Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Central Tibet Collections

byes tsha khang tshan byes tsha khang tshan byes tsha khang tshan byes tsha khang tshan byes tsha khang tshan byes tsha khang tshan portal for human waste removal bridge from the smad kitchen into the assembly hall
spo 'bor khang tshan spo 'bor khang tshan spo 'bor khang tshan spo 'bor khang tshan spo 'bor khang tshan spo 'bor khang tshan A doorway
Tantric College, Yamantaka cycle Tantric College, Yamantaka cycle Tantric College, Yamantaka cycle byes College Assembly Hall view of the Potala from Sera flagpole byes college main complex
corner byes college assemlby hall byes College Assembly Hall Tantric College main assembly hall Tantric College assembly hall courtyard with flagpole path behind byes and smad gtsang khang tshan-s smad college debate ground outer wall roofers on the smad college assembly hall decorative motif on a building facade

Central Tibet Collections in Topic
