Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Central Tibet Collections

Nechung Tsha rooftop chimney Yamantaka and Nechung in the Gomang protector house Tsha Rooftop Mahakala as the Great Goddess Doorway to monk's room The Great Goddess South Wing of Tsha
Tenma Drak Gyelma West Wing of Tsha West Wing of Tsha dGag gdong South Wing of Tsha West Wing of Tsha Tsha East Wing Yudronman in the Gomang protector house
Tsha West wing Tsha Rooftop Tsha Assembly hall and East living quarters Tsha Assembly Hall Tsha Assembly Hall Drak Gyelma, One of the 12 Tenma Tsha Assembly Hall Tsha Assembly Hall
Gomang protector house Tsha rooftop looking north View of Gomang View from Tsha rooftop Gomang protector house Tsha Rooftop Doorway Toilet at Tsha

Central Tibet Collections in Topic
