Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Central Tibet Collections

Stairs leading to second floor of Ganden Palace courtyard Ganden Palace lower rooftops Ganden Palace Kitchen Intersection of Ganden Palace and Teaching Complex Northeast view from Ganden Palace Northeast view from Ganden Palace Intersection of Ganden Palace and Teaching Complex Teaching Complex
Door to Dalai Lamas' room Mural Mural of Ganden Palace Tsongkapa and his Two Spiritual Sons Three Eyed Tara Second Dalai Lama Brocade Thanka of the Five Appearances of Tsongkapa Gen Lamrimba's Throne,  and the Five Appearances of Tsongkapa
Throne of the Dalai Lamas Smaller Meeting Room in Ganden Palace Smaller Meeting Room in Ganden Palace Gen Lamrimpa's Library Personal Images of Gen Lamrimpa in the Secretary's Hall Throne of Gen Lamrimpa in the Secretary's Hall The Secretary's Hall Butter lamp and books in the Great Meeting Room
Tara in the Great Meeting Hall Live Statue of the Great Goddess Yamantaka and  other statues in the Great Meeting Hall Guhyasamaja and Avalokitesvara Throne of the Dalai Lamas in the Great Meeting Hall of Ganden Palace Tsongkapa and the Hundred Deities of Ganden in the Great Meeting Hall Courtyard of Ganden Palace Courtyard of Ganden Palace

Central Tibet Collections in Topic
