Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Central Tibet Collections

Abbot Kenrap Tenzin Tsongkapa (west) Tsongkapa (east) Mortuary Stupa of Lekden, the First Abbot of Loseling Mortuary Stupa of Lekden, the First Abot of Loseling The Finger Print of the Fifth Dalai Lama and Panden Hlamo's Horse's Hoofmarks Monks debating at Loseling
Monks debating at Loseling Monks debating at Loseling Monks debating at Loseling Monks debating at Loseling Monks debating at Loseling Monks debating at Loseling Monks debating at Loseling Monks debating at Loseling
The northeast corner of the monastery. Drebung northeast corner Drebung northeast corner Drebung northeast corner Drebung from the northeast Site of the mansion of theTen ma oracle House of the guardian of the site of the Ten ma oracle The House of the Keeper of Jamyang Choeje's Cave
Jamyang Choeje's Cave The House of the Guardian of Jamyang's Choeje's Cave The Mansion of the Tenma Oracle Approaching the Tema Mansion rGyas rong Regional House Ruins of rgyas rong, gwra nyi, and lCang skya gwra nyi and lCang skya Ruins of rGyas rong Regional House

Central Tibet Collections in Topic
