Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Children

A young Tibetan girl at the wheel of a Landrover. A young Tibetan girl at the wheel of a Landrover. A young Tibetan girl wearing a black chuba and holding a rosary. A young Tibetan girl wearing a black chuba and holding a rosary. A Tibetan boy poses for the photographer on the side of the road. A Tibetan boy poses for the photographer on the side of the road. Tibetan boys pose for the photographer on the side of the road. Tibetans on the street in Kandze.
Tibetans on the street in downtown Horpo. Tibetans on the street in Pelyul City. Tibetan children. Tibetan girl. Tibetan boys near small village. Young Tibetan girl sitting beneath a tree during a rain storm. Tibetan boys. Tibetan girls.
Tibetan children. A young Tibetan girl on the outskirts of Kandze. Tibetan women and man. Tibetan boy with child on back.

Children in Topic
