Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Sera Hermitages (2004)

Ruins at sPang lung hermitage Phur lcog Hermitage Phur bu lcog hermitage Ruins at sPang lung hermitage Ruins at sPang lung hermitage Ruins at sPang lung hermitage A monk's hut, Phur lcog hermitage Phur lcog hermitage as viewed from below
An image of Tsong kha pa carved on a boulder, Phur lcog hermitage An image of Tsong kha pa carved on a boulder, Phur lcog hermitage Buildings at Phur lcog hermitage Phur bu lcog hermitage Monks' huts, Phur bu lcog hermitage Monks' hute, Phur bu lcog hermitage Buildings at Phur lcog hermitage Steps leading to the main building complex, Phur lcog hermitage
Buildings at Phur lcog hermitage Buildings at Phur lcog hermitage Buildings at Phur bu lcog hermitage José Cabezón films the valley below Phur lcog hermitage Doorway into the debate courtyard, Phur lcog hermitage Entrance to the library. Phur lcog hermitage Debate courtyard, Phur lcog hermitage Debate courtyard, Phur lcog hermitage
The debate throne, Phur lcog hermitage Remnants of murals, Phur lcog hermitage Remnants of murals, Phur lcog hermitage The steps that lead to the portico of the main temple, Phur lcog hermitage. Interior of the main temple, Phur lcog hermitage Interior of the main temple, Phur lcog hermitage Interior of the main temple, Phur lcog hermitage Interior of the main temple, Phur lcog hermitage

Sera Hermitages (2004) in Topic
