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Photographs in 2006 Tibet Ice Lakes Expedition (TILE)

The corbelled ceiling with smoke hole in the northeast room of residential structure RS2. The faint remains of funerary structure FS6 in the west sector. Traces of funerary structure FS5 in west sector. The walled pillars of the east sector. Central pillars in the east sector. The row of pillars in the east sector. The row of pillars and the remains of the west wall in the east sector.
Funerary structure FS1. In the background, members of the survey team are measuring funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS2. Other elevated funerary structures can be made out in the distance. Funerary structure FS2 of the west sector. The site, seen from the southeast. The site, seen from the northeast. The Putö Tsangpo (<i>spu stod gtsang po</i>) runs across the center of the image. A small part of the Tago (<i>rta rgo</i>) range is visible in the upper left corner of the image. The site’s pillars. Long-stones DR2 and DR3.
A view of the north and west sides of the enclosure with long-stones DR2, DR3 and DR4. The north pillar of the west sector. The two pillars of the west sector. Traces of the west and north walls of the enclosure are also visible. The two pillars of the west sector. Residential structure RS3. The better preserved structure of S2. A portion of a ruined shrine can be seen to the right of residential structure RS2. Residential structure RS3. Frozen Namtso (<i>gnam mtsho</i>) can be seen in the background. Residential structure RS3.
The west point house. Residential structure RS3. An isolated Phase I foundation at Dzongmar (<i>rdzong dmar</i>). Shrine. The tiered ruins of Dzongmar (<i>rdzong dmar</i>). The adobe-block walls of the Lamaist occupation (Phase II) behind the stone walls of the archaic cultural horizon (Phase I), Galo Puk (<i>gwa lo phug</i>). The adobe-block walls of Galo Puk (<i>gwa lo phug</i>) (Phase II) and the much more substantial outlying stone structures of the archaic cultural horizon (Phase I). The Dzongmar (<i>rdzong dmar</i>) dispersion.

2006 Tibet Ice Lakes Expedition (TILE) in Topic
