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Photographs in 2004 High Tibet Welfare Expedition (HTWE)

Walls of the east sector of the northwest complex. The northwest and southeast (foreground) complexes. The west sector of the northwest complex. The east sector of the northwest complex. A monastic structure at Namgyel Lhatsé (<i>rnam rgyal lha rtse</i>). Note the way in which one of the earthen walls is buttressed with stone. The structures of the southeast complex. The castle remains are situated on the summit of the formation to the right. The main complex of Namgyel Lhatsé (<i>rnam rgyal lha rtse</i>) Monastery can be seen on the flanks of same formation. The summit on the left side of the image also hosted a monastic structure. An upright slab-wall extension at the south corner of the enclosure.
The tiny enclosure of four slabs. A massive double-course flat slab wall of the enclosure. The funerary enclosure from the east. The funerary enclosure from the south. The rear wall of the residential structure RS6 edifice with subterranean chambers. The high walls of residential structure RS6. A dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>) fragment.
Residential structure RS1. Residential structure RS2. The vestiges of funerary structure FS4. The long chöten (<i>mchod rten</i>). The longest wall fragments of funerary structure FS5. Funerary structure FS3. The structural traces of funerary structure FS1. Funerary structure FS3.
Summit complex structures. The author conducting the survey, east side of the summit complex. The elongated formation underlying the castle ruins. Looking eastwards across the summit complex. Looking eastwards across the summit complex. The formation underlying the castle. Remnants of summit structures. The north side of the summit complex and northeast sector ruins.

2004 High Tibet Welfare Expedition (HTWE) in Topic
