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Photographs in Drepung Monastery (2004)

Devotees Offering Scarfs to the Stupas of the Lum–bum Chapel Devotees Offering Scarfs to the Stupas of the Lum–bum Chapel Devotees Offering Scarfs to the Stupas of the Lum–bum Chapel Devotees Offering Scarfs to the Stupas of the Lum–bum Chapel Devotees in the Lum–bum Chapel Devotees Entering the Lu bum Chapel The Great Assembly Hall during a pause Monks coming out of the Great Assembly Hall
Monks coming out of the Great Assembly Hall Monks coming out of the Great Assembly Hall Monks coming out of the Great Assembly Hall Monks coming out of the Great Assembly Hall Monks coming out of the Great Assembly Hall The exterior of the assembly hall during a monastic ritual The exterior of the assembly hall during a monastic ritual The exterior of the assembly hall during a monastic ritual
Distribution of Tantric Oofferings to Monks during the Lu bum festival Monks Distributing Ritual Cakes During the Lu bum festival Monks Distributing Ritual Cakes During the Lu bum festival Lu bum festival pictures Monks offering Ritual Cakes Disciplinarian Surveying the Monastic Assembly Lay Devotees Prostrating Monks Reciting During the Lu bum festival
Disciplinarian Reading the Request of the Sponsor of the Ritual Offerings of Lamps During the Lu bum festival Lay Devotees making an Offering of Butter during the Lu bum festival Monks making a Butter Lam Offering during the Lu bum festival Devotees making an offering during the Lu bum festival The disciplinarian Reads the Sponsor's Request Offerings during the Lu bum festival Monks Drinking Tea during the Lumbum Festival

Drepung Monastery (2004) in Topic
