Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Drepung Monastery

Triley Gebo Statues with Tibetan Texts Behind Entrance into Rear Chapel Tsongkapa and his Two Spiritual Sons Tsongkapa and Kedrup, with main statue Maitreya in the background Enlightenment Stupa The 3rd Dalai Lama Drachung Nyunten Gyatso
The 2nd Rating Rimpoche Chokpo Jangchup Tara Tsongkapa 5th Dalai Lama Manjusri in Deyang Assembly Hall Butter sculptures in Deyang Main Assembly Hall Beggar Boys
Beggar Boys Beggar boys in Gomang Courtyard Dzo in Gomang courtyard Elephant mural Gomang Clerestory Gomang hallway Stairs to roof of Gomang Stairs to roof of Gomang
Gomang East Wall and Chebo bo kLu 'bum Regional House in Construction View to East of rTa dbon and kLu 'bum Regional Houses Loseling East Wall Gung ru Regional House, south and west walls rTa dbon Regional House, south and west walls kLum 'bum Regional House

Drepung Monastery in Topic
