Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in meadow

A close up of two dancers wearing red shirts. A festival performer wearing white pants. Wildflowers in bloom in a meadow. A nomad man leading a horse. A nomad woman travelling on horseback. An elderly nomad spinning his prayer wheel and counting his rosary. An elderly nomad spinning his prayer wheel and counting his rosary. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar.
Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. David Germano and Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. David Germano and Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar.
Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. David Germano. ? Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. David Germano. Nordun.
Tenzin Gyatso and David Germano. ? David Germano. Nordun and David Germano. Nordun. Nordun. Tenzin Gyatso and Nordun. David Germano.

meadow in Topic
