Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in pillars, exterior

Monks and nuns exiting the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] after the morning teachings. Tibetans exiting the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] after the morning teachings. Monks and nuns exiting the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] after the morning teachings. Monks and nuns exiting the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] after the morning teachings. Monks and nuns gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks and nuns gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks performing in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Nuns gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings.
Monks performing in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks and laypeople gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hal ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks, nuns, and laypeople gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings.
Monks and nuns gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks and nuns gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Young monks gathered in the Assembly Hall's ['du khang] courtyard for the morning teachings. Monks and nuns gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monk in a gathering in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings.
Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Close-up of floral arrangements in the Assembly Hall's ['du khang] inner courtyard. Monk watering flowers in the Assembly Hall's ['du khang] inner courtyard during the morning teachings. Monks gathered in the Assembly Hall's inner courtyard ['du khang] for the morning teachings.

pillars, exterior in Topic
