Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Settlements

A Tibetan village that has sprung up along the road. Tibetan houses near Horpo. Tibetans on the street in downtown Horpo. Horpo Town. Tibetan houses along the river on the outskirts of Pelyul. The ? River in Pelyul City. The bridge over the ? River in Pelyul City. Tibetan houses along the ? River in Pelyul City.
Tibetans on the street in Pelyul City. Pelyul City. Pelyul City. View of a small roadside village. A Tibetan encampment alongside a river. A Tibetan encampment alongside a river. A Tibetan encampment alongside a river. A small roadside village.
A small roadside village. A wooden frame for drying crops. A row of prayer flags near some houses. A row of prayer flags near some houses. Houses on a hillside. River and village in distance. A large river plain with small village in distance. A large river plain with small village in distance.
A small riverside village. A small riverside village. A large white stupa on the outskirts of Tawu. A large white stupa on the outskirts of Tawu. Tawu town. A large white stupa on the outskirts of Tawu. Tibetan houses made of stones and logs. A small settlement of Tibetan houses made of stones and logs.

Settlements in Topic
