Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Art

Close-up of doors to the chapel devoted to the monastery's protector deity. Ornately decorated doors to the chapel devoted to the monastery's protector deity. Ornately decorated doors to a smaller chapel in the Assembly Hall. Ornately decorated doors to a smaller chapel in the Assembly Hall. Mural of Green Tara in the Assembly Hall. Mural of Green Tara in the Assembly Hall. Colored prayer stone with mantra of Padmasambhava in the base of a stupa made of prayer flags and prayer flags in the outskirts of Derge. Close-up of prayer stones in the base of stupa made of prayer flags and prayer stones in the outskirts of Derge.
Close-up of prayer stones from the prayer stone wall next to Thanggyel Temple. A carving of Amitayus in the prayer stone wall along the side of Derge? Monastery. Close-up of individual colored prayer stone in prayer stone wall. A mural of Green Tara in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A mural of four-headed Vairocana in the Assembly Hall at Derge Monastery. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Mandarava to the left of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Yeshe Tsogyel to the right of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.
The principal statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Shakyamuni in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Degre Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.
A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. Close-up of the woodcarving above the main entrance to Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. Illustrations of dreams in book written on dreaming by Tulku Tenzin Gyatsho [sprul sku bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho]. Illustrations of dreams in book written on dreaming by Tulku Tenzin Gyatsho [sprul sku bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho].

Art in Topic
