Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Bumthang

The Durdag Cham Dance of the Soomthrang Kangsoel The Durdag Cham Dance of the Soomthrang Kangsoel Dzongkhag cultural officer drafting an agreement between the people and dratshang Three-sided dagger made by Pema Lingpa ་ The handing and taking of religious objects Sacred objects that are presented for the handing-taking Members and representatives who came for the handing-taking of Lhakhang were having tea inside the Lhakhang The back view of Dechenling Lhakhang
Front view of Dechenling Lhakhang The Bezur women entertaining on the lhakhang handing-taking ceremony The Bezur women entertaining on the lhakhang handing-taking ceremony Throne of Ugyen Guru Rinpoche near the Dechenling Lhakhang The Threl lhakhang in Tang The Threl lhakhang in Tang Priests performs the ritual by standing A pancake that were served during the kangsoel
The Cham Dance of the Garuda The Cham Dance of the Garuda Priests performs the ritual by standing Priests performs the ritual by standing Performing dances while liberating the enemy by the lama Offering of Marchang The Tshog-ging Cham Dance of Soomthrang Kangsoel
The Cham Dance of the Garuda Performing dances while liberating the enemy by the lama Priests performing the tema ritual after the torjab ritual Priests performs the ritual by standing Performing dances while liberating the enemy by the lama Dishes served on the lunch The Tshog-ging Cham Dance of Soomthrang Kangsoel The unfurl thangka of kangsoel

Bumthang in Places
