Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

Ledge near the old retreat house. Note the small wall with inscribed plaques in the middle of the ledge. Red ochre swastikas in the west rock shelter. Funerary structure FS1. Funerary structure FS9. Funerary mound 1. Note the homestead in close proximity. The base of the east side of funerary mound 1. Funerary mound 1. A Buddhist shrine was built on top of this funerary structure. Funerary enclosures in the lower row of the west sector.
The largest subsidiary enclosure of the tripartite enclosure. Note the band of densely arrayed stones in the foreground. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS2. A row of minor constructions. The south wall of the giant enclosure. The giant enclosure from the west. Note the indentation in the north (left wall) of the enclosure. The giant enclosure from the southwest corner. The tripartite enclosure. The three subsidiary enclosures situated inside the outer walls are visible. The giant enclosure is seen to the left.
The indentation in the north wall of the giant enclosure. Note the well developed wall segment on the right side of the image. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS1. One of the in situ tamarisk members of the edifice. The remains of the pillars and appended edifice. The vestiges of the appended edifice.
A slab wall (foreground), pillars (center) and the appended edifice mound (background). A corral at the foot of the mountain is visible directly behind the appended edifice mound. The slab-wall fragments in the foreground. The few remaining pillars and appended edifice mound are also visible. The mountain of Drarongmön Dzong (<i>gra rong mon rdzong</i> [A-21]), which forms the site’s backdrop. The pillars of the north enclosure. Funerary structure FS4 of the west sector. Note the coherent wall fragment in the foreground. Funerary structure FS7, funerary structure FS8 of the west sector. Funerary structure FS3 of the east sector. Note the motorable track that cuts right through the middle of the site. In the far distance is the west edge of the Tongtso (<i>stong mtsho</i>) Basin. The L-shaped funerary structure FS2 of the east sector.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
