Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Resources Associated with Darlung

Photographs in Darlung

Funerary structure FS4. Note the way in which the entire structure is prominently raised above the surrounding plain. The entrance to the Chakgo Draklung (<i>lcags sgo brag lung</i>) gorge can be seen in the background. Funerary structure FS5. The dispersions of stones in the foreground appear to have been part of ancillary structures. Funerary structure FS7. The southern extension of Tsho Ngönmo (<i>mtsho sngon mo</i>) can be seen in the distance. Members of the survey team at funerary structure FS3 measuring the ancillary east enclosure. Note the double-course perimeter walls in the foreground.
Funerary structure FS1. Note the dispersion of stones in the center of the enclosure.

Darlung in Places
