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Resources Associated with Drangozhak

Photographs in Drangozhak

South summit complex structures plunging down from the ridge-top, Khar Barma (<i>mkhar bar ma</i>). Remnants of tenpa chidar (<i>bstan pa phyi dar</i>) period frescos in the south summit complex of Khar Barma (<i>mkhar bar ma</i>). The sandstone carcass below Khar Barma (<i>mkhar bar ma</i>). In the background is the settlement and monastery of Toding (<i>mtho lding</i>). The south summit complex of Khar Okma (<i>mkhar ’og ma</i>) .
Traces of cobble walls in the summit complex. A portion of the summit complex. The summit of the formation. Tiny coherent wall vestiges are embedded in the formation. The settlement of Toding (<i>mtho lding</i>) is visible on the opposite side of the Langchen Tsangpo (<i>glang chen gtsang po</i>). The formation behind and immediately to the left of Toding is surmounted by Khar Barma (<i>mkhar bar ma</i>). Traces of cobble walls in the summit complex.

Drangozhak in Places
