Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Crossed hand step Khothagpa villagers at the tsechu festival Durda Skeleton dance Durda back bending Arsara holding a phallus and cymbal Dart game at the festival Three eyed creature's face on the apron
Ribbon hung at the top of the black hat Black hat dancer spins Black Hat Dance Ladies with khadar Deer mask dancers on their knee Deer dancer stands in line Mask of the deer Flying dress (skirt)
Deer dance on one leg Antlers Deer dance Phak cham on knee Left hand fringe swing Dance with fringes Phak cham
New generation dance Villagers at tsechu festival blessing Khothagpa villagers A handy prayer wheel with many hanging beads An old man with a bhutanese bag Handy prayer wheel An old bhutanese man Blue serpent
