Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Within the cook-house 'pae lava' Goats awaiting slaughter 'pae lava' The cook-house 'pae lava' Two huge cooking pots 'pae lava' Two boys in characteristic "photographic" pose 'pae lava' Guests 'pae lava' baskets of grain for the ritual beside them including Bolbahadur, Rudrabahadur and Debiprasad from Thak Guests sitting on the verandah 'pae lava' The 'ala', a flag with decorated pole on the roof 'pae lava'
Three 'plah' covered in white cloth 'pae lava' with bunches of leaves at the top waiting to be dressed. Men unwinding the 'gyan' Three 'plah' covered in white cloth 'pae lava' with bunches of leaves at the top waiting to be dressed. Men unwinding the 'gyan' Tea house 'pae lava' Tea house 'pae lava' Tea house 'pae lava' Guests - a child with a white, lace-edged hat 'pae lava' Guests, including Ramchandra, sitting on a bamboo platform 'pae lava' White cloth to cover the 'plah' 'pae lava'
Raila' from Mailbort arriving 'pae lava' Making the 'plah' 'pae lava' Woman using the quern at House31 Surna standing watching Woman using the quern at House31 Surna standing watching Tailor women with bundles of fodder and a boy with a bundle of 'mah' behind them House94 and House95 House94 and House95
Steps going down from the school Chetraprasad carrying a bundle of 'mah' (bamboo) for basket-making Indrakumari and Miladebi carrying bundles of fodder View down from school Boy herding goats above the school Krishna, Om and friends standing beside the buffalo stall, with two buffaloes Buffalo stall and straw stack in the maize fields belonging to House31 Buffalo stall and straw stack in the maize fields belonging to House31
