Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Phur lcog Hermitage Phur lcog Hermitage Phur lcog Hermitage Phur lcog Hermitage Phur lcog Hermitage Men dancing round the 'plah' 'pae lava' including Prem Guests returning to the house 'pae lava' Men carrying the 'gyan' back to the house 'pae lava'
The dance between the 'moh' and klehbri 'pae lava' The dance between the 'moh' and klehbri 'pae lava' The dance between the 'moh' and klehbri 'pae lava' The dance between the 'moh' and klehbri 'pae lava' Guests following the 'gyan' 'pae lava' Guests following the 'gyan' 'pae lava' Men carrying the 'gyan' 'pae lava' Men carrying the 'gyan' 'pae lava'
Women with trays of offerings on their heads 'pae lava' Mourners round the 'plah' 'pae lava' Atasing beside it Mourners around the 'plah' 'pae lava' with offerings Mourners around the 'plah' 'pae lava' with offerings Mourners around the 'plah' 'pae lava' with offerings Klehbris, one of whom is dressed in special robes 'pae lava' Klehbris, one of whom is dressed in special robes 'pae lava' Women wailing beside the 'plah' 'pae lava'
Priests making rice offerings on leaf dishes 'pae lava' back view of man wearing 'renga' Guests standing round the 'plah' フpae lavaᄍ Women dressing the 'plah' フpae lavaᄍ Guests sitting on the platform with the klehbri フpae lavaᄍ Klehbris beating drums フpae lavaᄍ View down the valley from the house フpae lavaᄍ Man wearing a 'renga' 'pae lava' and woman with a headbasket seen from behind Within the cook-house 'pae lava'
