Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Sera dBu rtse Outside monk's quarters Archiving texts at the Great Assembly Hall Fragments of old texts, the Great Assembly Hall Archiving texts at the Great Assembly Hall Maitreya, Great Assembly Hall A monk blesses a worhsipper in the Sera Great Assembly Hall, Avalokitesvara Chapel Rock used for grinding dye
Various self-arisen images behind Sera Various self-arisen images behind Sera Sera Chos lding. Yellow Retreat Hut Sera Chos lding. Yellow Retreat Hut Building containing the throne of Tsong kha pa Researcher and monks José Cabezón and Rgan Byams pa
Sera Sera Sera as viewed from Chos lding hermitage Sera Rooftops of some of Sera's major temples Sera Great Assembly Hall Har gdong khang tshan, Sera Rock outcropping above Sera dBu rtse
Sera dBu rtse, with various sacred sites above it Retreat huts near Sera chos lding Retreat huts near Sera chos lding Sera Chos lding Sera Chos lding Sera Chos lding Sera Chos lding, debate courtyard Retreat hut
