Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Tara in the Great Meeting Hall Live Statue of the Great Goddess Yamantaka and  other statues in the Great Meeting Hall Guhyasamaja and Avalokitesvara Throne of the Dalai Lamas in the Great Meeting Hall of Ganden Palace Tsongkapa and the Hundred Deities of Ganden in the Great Meeting Hall Courtyard of Ganden Palace Courtyard of Ganden Palace
Entrance to Ganden Palace Entrance to Secret Mantra Palace Courtyard Secret Mantra Palace Courtyard of Secret Mantra Palace Secret Mantra Palace Secret Mantra Palace White Tara in Secret Mantra Palace Nechung
Nechung Secret Mantra Palace Nechung Old Jowo Statue Behind Bars in Secret Mantra Palace The Caretaker of the Protector House in the Mantra Palace The Vth Dalai Lama in the  Secret Mantra Palace The Vth Dalai Lama in the Secret Mantra Palace The Vth Dalai Lama in the Secret Mantra Palace
Secret Mantra Palace Clerestory wall paintings Clerestory wall paintings Clerestory wall paintings Clerestory wall paintings Clerestory wall paintings Clerestory wall paintings Clerestory wall paintings
