Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Gadong at the Tantric Monastery Yamantaka in the Tantric monastery Courtyard of the Tantric monastery Courtyard of the Tantric monastery Yamantaka Thanka in the Great Assembly Hall Sandalwood Bookcover with Ivory Encrustation on the Side in the Chapel of the Canon Golden Lettered Canon in the Chapel of the Canon Golden Lettered Canon in the Chapel of the Canon
Prajnaparamita and Tsongkhapa's Tooth Prajnaparamita in the Chapel of the Canon Manjusri Chapel of the Canon Sakyamuni, Tara, and Avalokitesvara Kasapani in the Chapel of the Canon Sakyamuni, Tara, and Avalokitesvara in front of larger Tara in the Chapel of the Canon The Three Taras in the Chapel of the Canon The Three Taras in the Chapel of the Canon Precious Canon in the Chapel of the Canon
Panchen Sonam Drakba in the Powerful Man Chapel Mortuary Stupa of Sonam Drakba Maitreya in the Powerful Man Chapel Maitreya in the Powerful Man Chapel Second Dalai Lama's Mortuary Stupa in Powerful Man Chapel Jamyang Choeje and the Second Daalai Lama's Mortuary Stupa Jamyang Choeje's Mortuary Stupa in the Powerful Man Chapel Second Dalai Lama's Mortuary Stupa in the Powerful Man Chapel
Jamyang Choeje's Mortuary Stupa in the Powerful Man Chapel Whisk and Rosary Hanging on a Pillar in the Powerful Man Chapel Powerful Man Chapel Powerful Man Chapel Powerful Man Chapel Powerful Man Chapel Powerful Man Chapel Powerful Man Chapel
