Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Interior of Abbots Throne in Loseling Debate Courtyard Loseling Debate Courtyard Loseling Debate Courtyard Loseling north wall Rongba Courtyard Rongba Courtyard Loseling Kitchen Phara Courtyard
Phara Courtyard Minya Courtyard Monks' room Monks' room Monks' room Monk's Cupboard & Library Kitchen alcove in Minya Monk room in Minya
Sheep in Minya Courtyard Ganden Potang east wall View from Stable to SE Kombo Assembly Hall Kombo Assembly Hall Kombo Assembly Hall throne Kombo Assembly Hall Kombo Assembly Hall
Kombo Assembly Hall Kombo Protector House Kombo Regional House Stairs at Tsha Regional House Stairs at Tsha Regional House Stairs at Tsha Regional House Stairs at Tsha Regional House Monks on the steps of the Tsha Assembly Hall
