Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


bSam blo Regional House bSam blo Regional House Large Field of Ruins in the North Part of Drebung Ngakpa Debate Courtyard rGyas pa Regional House with the ruins of Chu bzang Regional House and Gwra nyi Regional House bSam blo Regional House Ngakpa Degate Courtyard Preparing for Chant Practice at the Teaching Compound
Preparing Food for Chanting Practice at the Teaching Compound Former Toilet of Nyari Apartment Former Window of Nyari Apartment Fragment of the Leg Bone of Soenam Drakba Changing into an Avalokiteshvara Tsongkhapa's Tooth Prajnaparamita and Tsongkhapa's Tooth Ivory Incrustation Jamyang Ga'i Lodroe in the Powerful Man Chapel
The Famous Drebung Library in the Ten Arhats Chapel One of the Oldest Edition of the Prajnaparamita A Very Old Edition of the Prajnaparamita Old Edition of the Prajnaparamita Monks Holding a Rare Text in the Ten Arhat Chapel Monks Reading a Rare Text The Texts Sealed by the Fifth Dalai Lama
Texts Sealed by the Fifth Dalai Lama Window to the Great Assembly Hall Manjusri Statue Ngakpa Debate Courtyard Tsa Tsa on Lingkor Tsa Tsa on Lingkor Tara Shrine Tara Shrine on Lingkor Ngakpa Debate Courtyard
