Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Bodhisattva in the Buddha of the Three Times Chapel Bodhisattva in the Buddha of the Three Times Chapel Bodhisattva in the Buddha of the Three Times Chapel Bodhisattva in the Buddha of the Three Times Chapel Panorama from above Drebung Jamyang Choje's Cave Jamyang Choje's Cave Detail of the Mortuary Stupas in the Naga Girls Chapel
Detail of the Mortuary Stupas in the Naga Girls Chapel Detail of the Mortuary Stupas in the Naga Girls Chapel Detail of the Mortuary Stupas Naga Girls Chapel White Tara in the Naga Girls Chapel Amitayus and White Taras in the Naga Girls Chapel Naga Girls Chapel from the north Dalai Lama on his Mortuary Stupa in the Naga Girls Chapel The IIIrd Dalai Lama on his Mortuary Stupa in the Naga Girls Chapel
IIIrd Dalai Lama's Mortuary Stupa in Naga Girls Chapel Naga Girls Stupas in their Chapel Naga Girls Chapel viewed from the enterance Mortuary stupas in Naga Girls Chapel Enterance of the Goddess chapel Enterance of the Goddess chapel Caretaker of the Goddess Chapel Goddess chapel
Goddess chapel Thanka of Tenma in Goddess chapel Palace of the Goddess in her Chapel Panorama from above Drebung Panorama from above Drebung Palace of the Goddess in her Chapel Mani stone above Drebung Panorama from above Drebung
