Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


The outdoor stove in the south courtyard of the rme ru rnying pa complex. The incense burner in the south courtyard of the rme ru rnying pa complex. A water tap in the south courtyard of the rme ru rnying pa complex. A water tap in the south courtyard of the rme ru rnying pa complex.
The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex. The east wing of the rme ru rnying pa complex. The courtyard at the south of the rme ru rnying pa complex. The east wing of the rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex.
A stairway to the second floor at the east of the rme ru rnying pa complex. The eastern wing of the rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex. The apartment at the southeast corner of the  rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex. The entrance to a private residence in the rme ru rnying pa complex.
