Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Druk-Pa (Nomad) Farmer's son in his homespun garment, Manasalu Ahni Visnumati river squatter's settlement Rai woman and child in "teahouse" Husband and wife ploughing Wedding party on the main trail of Zanskar, vicinity of Phuktal 1991 Young monks at Simthoka Dzong
Family with yaks Farmer wearing his sole (only), homespun garment Ahni (a lay Bhuddist nun) preparing Tibetan Tea The Visnumati river in Kathmandu (an open sewer) was home for Tibetan and other disploced sqautters. It was "cleaned up" temporarily bu bulldozers. Rai mother and child, Phedi village Bringing in the winter wood supply at Tarakot village Woman in irrigated barley fields beside village Girls and boys in 3rd grade of Choling village school -Bhutan
