Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Two-storey structures serve as businesses and dwellings Schoolhouse under construction in new town View from ridge between Dailekh & Surkhet Mustard press with terraced fields in background Unravelling a lalmohar (royal proclamation) Reservoir (naulo) with Buddhist chaitya dated 1358 Stone Throne, referred to as 'Throne of Dharmaraj' Stone pillar with carving of Hindu deity
Stone buildings, unusual for the region Stone pillar with Devanagri inscription Large Malla pillar with Buddhist chaitya on top The Royal palace and Malla-era pillars in foreground Prithvi Malla stele (kirtisthambha) dated 1357 Prithvi Malla stele (kirtisthambha) dated 1357 New style of house in Biblate bazaar New style of house in Biblate bazaar
Tea shops in Biblate bazaar might also sell local liquor Tea shops in Biblate bazaar serve a variety of snacks There are several tea shops in Biblate bazaar New advertising sign above shop in Biblate bazaar Several shopkeepers in Biblate bazaar are women A few shopkeepers in Biblate bazaar are from the Terai Shops in Biblate bazaar carry a small range of items Shops in Biblate bazaar carry a small range of items
Most shopkeepers in Biblate bazaar are not local residents Brahmin widow holds photo of late husband taken 23 yrs before Gurung notable 23 yrs after we first met Gurung notable from wealthy family long settled locally Brahmin pandit advises high castes on ritual procedures Brahmin pandit 23 yrs after I first met him Porters park baskets (doko) outside teashop Boy carries his baby brother in bamboo basket
