Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Another view of the site. Larger and smaller pillars partially obscured by sand and grasses. The east complex. A rampart of the west complex. The Gesar Sangkhang (<i>ge sar bsang khang</i>) of the central west complex. Members of the survey climbing up to the fortifications of the west saddle. The cave’s stone façade. Probable archaic roof appurtenances known as “the beams of Mila Repa (<i>mi la ras pa</i>)” enshrined in Dzuntrül Puk (<i>rdzu ’phrul phug</i>).
Rooms on either side of the axial corridor in the middle tier of the east complex’s main edifice. Ruins of the east complex. Independent east room in the upper tier of the east complex’s main edifice. East room in the upper edifice of the east complex. Upper tier of the east complex’s upper edifice. Entranceway in residential structure RS7. One of the two intact exterior entranceways in Rechen Puk (<i>ras chen phug</i>). The roof of Rechen Puk (<i>ras chen phug</i>). Note the parapet wall along the roofline.
