Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


The long, narrow structure from the west. Note the cobble revetment fragments. The Gyelwa Jampa (<i>rgyal ba byams pa</i>) statue at Manam Khar (<i>ma nam mkhar</i>) (East). The formation with scattered residential caves hosting Manam Khar (<i>ma nam mkhar</i>) (East) (located on the top). The earthen walls of the castle. The castle site. The formation of Dawa Khartsé (<i>mda’ ba mkhar rtse</i>). Well-built structures perched on the southwest crag. Five of the six outcrops of the site are visible in this image.
The formidable stone and adobe walls of the southwest crag. The northwest crag. A large hewn timber is visible below the revetment on the right side of the structure The ruins on and below the east crag. The castle structure. The highly eroded earthen walls of the castle. An outer wall of the castle. Note the stonework revetment segments at the base of the structure. An interior portion of the castle. The single edifice of the site.
The ridge-top structures. Composite stone and rammed-earth walls. The interior of the castle. Rammed-earth and stone walls of the castle. Note the regularly-spaced orifices in the earthen walls, which were used to secure the shuttering pins during construction. An adeptly constructed lower stone wall. Stone and adobe-block walls of the castle A flank of the castle. The interior of the castle.
The highly disintegrated cobble structures and adobe-block residential and ceremonial carcasses of Tönlo Khar (<i>mthon lo mkhar</i>). The entrance to the castle. Note the Pangtra Chu (<i>spang bkra chu</i>) flowing below the site. The summit formation. The site’s lone pillar. A dense array of summit buildings The ornamented pillar. The pillar, a contemporary cult monument. Probable Buddhist ruin below the castle. Note the agricultural fields in the Tingmur (<i>ting mur</i>) Valley below.
