Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


The lower and central complexes of the castle. The upper and lower edifice of the upper complex. The buttressed walkway accessing the upper complex is visible in the bottom right-hand corner of the image. The white granite formation underlying the castle. Defensive walls are staggered all along the steep side of the formation. The west side of the summit complex. The summit complex. One of the defensive walls. The east summit. The arable landholdings of Dungkar (<i>dung dkar</i>) Village are spread out below the castle.
The remains of one of the castle buildings. The author surveying the ruined castle. The site, seen from the south. Note the prominent projection of the stones in the enclosing wall. Ruined castle walls. One of the double-course walls of the enclosure. The west side of the pillar. The site’s adorned main pillar. A close-up of the chöten (<i>mchod rten</i>) carved on the pillar of Nakkhung Doring (<i>nag khung rdo ring</i>).
The pile of stones propping up the main pillar. Note the various accoutrements of the ritual site. The prayer flag ornamented pillar of. A double-course wall fragment belonging to the enclosure. The diminutive stronghold at the site. The pillar sanctuary. Ruined castle walls. The longest pillar and a companion standing stone installed in the entrance of a corral. Two lesser standing stones buttressing the entrance of a corral.
Funerary structure FS1. The formation underlying the castle. The castle is visible on the summit and the Senggé Tsangpo (<i>seng ge gtsang po</i>) at the base of the hill. The site’s structures seen from the north. The remains of one of the castle buildings. One of the site’s structures. The site, seen from the south. The cruciform pattern of the superficial funerary structures is visible. A coherent wall segment. The Gar (<i>sgar</i>) Valley from old Malhé (<i>ma lhas</i>) Village.
