Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Long-stone DR8, the tallest pillar at the site. A frontal view of the site. Funerary structure FS1. Pillars of the south complex. The pillar array of the south complex. The north complex. What was the array of pillars is situated in the foreground and the mound behind it was the appended edifice. The site’s tabular pillar. Note the broken surface at the top of the pillar. The broken top of the pillar beside the in situ portion.
The side of the pillar hosting a conglomerate surface. The pillar, with the broken top placed in its original position. A double-course fragment of an enclosure wall. The lone pillar. The site, from the east. Note the wall fragments of the enclosure protruding from the ground. The pillar, with the broken top placed back into position. Looking west towards the site. Two large pillars at the site. Note the <i>maṇi</i> carvings.
The site, seen from the east. A double-course wall fragment of the pillar enclosure. The large pillars. The pillars, seen from the west. The lone pillar. The pillar with the local guide. The lone pillar. The pillar and wall remains. Note the stones scattered about the site.
The site, seen from the west. Note Kyungmo Tso (<i>skyung mo mtsho</i>) in the distance. The appended edifice and a few of the pillars. The array of pillars. The site, seen from the east. Part of the array of pillars. Funerary structure FS1. Funerary structure FS2 with members of the survey team, Gyaruk Möndur (<i>rgya rug mon dur</i>). Funerary structure FS2.
