Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


A defensive wall on the site’s south side. Inaccessible cliff dwellings on the north side of the defile. The rocky gateway on the south side of the defile. The west sector of the north ledge. The site’s north ledge. Note the massive revetment lining the rim of the ledge. The east sector of the north ledge. Note the pile of yak dung sheltering under an overhang.
A portion of the revetment on the edge of the north ledge. Façades of the southeast cave complex. The summit formation. The main structure is on the right side of the summit. The side of one of the stone platforms at Gyangdrak (<i>gyang brag</i>). One of the fragmentary enclosures at Korön (<i>ko ron</i>). Funerary structure FS1. Funerary structure FS3. The side of the pillar with carvings.
A close-up of the old swastika carving and the much more recently engraved letter <i>a</i>. The standing pillar. Note the stones piled around its base. The broken side of the pillar facing towards the enclosure. A relatively intact wall fragment. A flank of the site. A portion of the summit of the site. Engraved scrollwork on a stone at Korön (<i>ko ron</i>). The forward wall of Khyunglung Khartsé (<i>khyung lung mkhar rtse</i>). Note the wooden lintels above the entranceway and windows.
The southwest dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>). Room 5 of the southwest dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>). The north portion of the southwest dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>). The formation underlying the fortress. The forward portion of the structure. A close-up of the in situ, lichen-covered corbels of the central west structure. The east side of the structure. The west side of the structure.
