Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


A close-up of the revetment of the northwest edifice. Note the herringboned masonry in the middle of the revetment. The northwest edifice and outer defensive walls of the southeast sector. The northwest edifice. A revetment lining the edge of the southeast sector formation. Note the diagonally placed stones in the revetment and the vestiges of adobe-block walls above the revetment. The pillars of Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) West. The pillars and enclosures of Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East. Funerary structure FS1. Funerary structure FS1.
Funerary structure FS7. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS1 and funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS6. Funerary structure FS1. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS2.
Five of the interconnected enclosures on the opposite end of funerary structure FS4. Three of the interconnected enclosures on one end of funerary structure FS4. An isolated tabular pillar. The south side of pillar group 1. The west side of pillar group 1. The site, seen from the west. The site’s multicolored pillars. The site’s multicolored pillars.
The site, seen from the southeast. The site, seen from the south. The central and north pillars. The large central pillar. Detail of the rear west room in residential structure RS1. Residential structure RS1. Buddhist ruins. The ruins of residential structure RS1.
