Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Detritus from the castle’s structures. The only coherent revetment fragment amid much rubble. The double-course pebble wall fragment on funerary structure FS2. A carved swastika on long-stone DR2, Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) West. The south face of long-stone DR2 (center), Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) West. Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East. The pillar on the far left is not anchored in the ground. A cluster of five large standing stones, Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East. The small pillar on the far right is not anchored in the ground. The pillars and enclosures of Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East.
Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East. Note the well delineated walls of the enclosure. The pillars of Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) West. Note the traces of the walled enclosure. Long-stones DR2 (extreme left), DR3 (second from left), DR1 (third from left), DR4 (large specimen, center), DR5 (nearly collapsed specimen), DR12 (small specimen on right), and DR10 (upper right). Main row of pillars at the site: long-stones DR3 (left foreground), DR4 (right foreground). The partially collapsed long-stone DR2 is on the left side of the image. Long-stone DR10 is situated behind the main row of pillars at higher elevation. Long-stone DR1 stands immediately to the right of long-stone DR3, the red pillar in the foreground. One of the better preserved tombs in the north central sector. Funerary structure FS10, the traces of a cubic tomb in the south sector The pillars of the site. Long-stones DR11 (extreme right), DR 10 (extreme left) are offset from the main row of pillars. The local guide is seated next to the standing stones.
Funerary structure FS5 of the south sector. The remains of funerary structure FS3, south sector. The Uttarakhand Himalaya can be seen in the background. The mountain underlying the structures. The site’s large, solitary pillar. The large pillar. Note the small stones scattered around the base of the pillar. The south face of the isolated pillar. The pillar and the line of large stones before it. Buddhist sekhar (<i>gsas mkhar</i>) shrines on the summit of the formation. These were probably constructed with stones extracted from the old citadel.
The west side of the isolated pillar. The east side of the isolated pillar. The north face of the isolated pillar. The Guru Bumpa (<i>gu ru ’bum pa</i>) shrine complex. Note the melting ice sheet on Tso Mapam (<i>mtsho ma pham</i>). South bumpa (<i>’bum pa</i>). Note the ancillary shrines in the foreground. South bumpa (<i>’bum pa</i>). Some of the multitude of inscribed stones at the site are highly visible in the foreground. North bumpa (<i>’bum pa</i>). Note the slim cairns on the corners of each of the tiers. The site with one of the local guides
