Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


The great troglodytic settlement of Chiwang Namgyel (<i>phyi dbang rnam rgyal</i>). The remains of a summit structure. Wall traces belonging to summit structures. A terraced structure of the lower site. The lower site dispersion. Traces of cobble walls in the summit complex. A portion of the summit complex. The summit of the formation. Tiny coherent wall vestiges are embedded in the formation. The settlement of Toding (<i>mtho lding</i>) is visible on the opposite side of the Langchen Tsangpo (<i>glang chen gtsang po</i>). The formation behind and immediately to the left of Toding is surmounted by Khar Barma (<i>mkhar bar ma</i>).
Traces of cobble walls in the summit complex. The interior of the summit complex. The two interconnected cells of funerary structure FS27. The hill formation. The lower site consists of the rocky zone on the flanks of the hill. The large funerary superstructure of FS7. Funerary structure FS8. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS1.
Residential structure RS12. The spectacularly located residential structure RS8. Residential structure RS2. Residential structure RS1. This lowest elevation dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>) was deeply set into the ground. Residential structure RS5. Wall fragments of funerary structure FS3. Traces of slab walls, funerary structure FS4. Funerary structure FS3.
Ruins and the knob of rock at the castle. The site’s intact but uprooted pillar. A revetment fragment. The main portion of the castle rising above the sacred shores of Mapang Yutso (<i>ma pang g.yu mtsho</i>). Buddhist sekhar (<i>gsas mkhar</i>) and a retaining wall on the summit. A revetment fragment near the rim of the formation’s summit. Such structures were recently destroyed with the Buddhist redevelopment of the site. Mortuary cairns.
