Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Hill-top stonework edifices. The small single-course funerary structure FS5. Note the way in which the structure appears to be subdivided into four sections. Funerary structure FS2. In the middle of Ngangla Ringtso (<i>ngang la ring mtsho</i>) is the 12-km long island known as Tsodo (<i>mtsho do</i>). The buttressed pathway to the summit complex. Stone and adobe structures on the summit. The highest point at the site. Structures perched on the summit. The rocky formation of the site. The defensive structures are located between the two rocky ribs of the formation.
Part of the network of terracing. The east rib structure. The four more intact structures near the base of the formation. The remains of the site’s longest rampart. Ruins of the east summit complex. The upper reaches of the structural dispersion. The summit structures. The summit and east flank ruins. Note the more intact structure on the right side of the image.
A structure near the base of the formation, which has been converted to pastoral usage. The southwest room of the best-preserved structure. The island supporting the ruins. The best-preserved building of Gönpé Do (<i>dgon pa’i do</i>). A member of the survey team on the Island’s summit. A structure on the west of the island. The entrances to the subterranean chambers of the temple structure. Ancient wall vestiges below a line of caves.
The site with its structural remains. Old structures converted into corrals. The intact entranceway in residential structure RS4. Original wall fragments of residential structure RS7. The remaining rear portion of residential structure RS5. Remnants of residential structure RS2. The carcass of residential structure RS1. The lone structure of the summit.
