Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


A double-course wall segment of the enclosure. A double-course wall segment of the enclosure. The site’s pillars and enclosure. The site’s two pillars. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS11. Funerary structure FS13. The fairly intact perimeter walls of funerary structure FS12.
Funerary structure FS1. The east complex. The partially integral walls of the central complex temple-tomb. The fractional array of pillars in the central complex. Measuring funerary structure FS2. The temple-tomb of the west complex. A few of the pillars are visible on the right side of the image. The site’s west complex. Funerary structure FS4 with pillar. Note the prostrate pillar behind the in situ specimen.
Funerary structure FS2. The inner enclosure or cist marker made primarily of white stones is visible in the center of the larger enclosure. Funerary structure FS1. Note the way in which the structure is elevated above the surrounding terrain. Funerary structure FS3 with pillar. Funerary structure FS12. Note the drokpa (<i>’brog pa</i>) homesteads in the distance. The isolated pillar. The isolated pillar. The isolated pillar. The south building of the upper complex.
The south building of the middle complex. Note the deeply inset rear wall and the window opening in the forward wall of the structure. The middle and upper complexes of he site. The two buildings of the middle complex. The heavy partition wall between the south and middle rooms of the north building of the middle complex. Funerary structure FS1. The walls subdividing this enclosure are barely visible. Double-course walls of the pillar enclosure. The site’s pillars. The site’s walled pillars seen from the south.
