Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


A coherent wall segment of the east sector. A defensive wall fragment on the south rim of the east sector. Structural remains of the castle. The west sector of the castle. The Rijowa Khangpa (<i>ri jo ba khang pa</i>). The high point of the formation. The formation underlying the castle (the pyramidal hill rising above the right side of the stream). Dissolving revetments on the summit edge.
Rubble near the summit of the formation. Structural traces on the  formation summit. The interior of Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>) with local guides. An adobe block upper wall section is visible (right side of image). The southeast structure of the main complex of Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>). The entranceway corridor, Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>). The lower room of Chuti Khar (<i>chu sti mkhar</i>). The main complex of Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>). The lower ruins on the edge of the defile are those of Wuti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>) and the upper ones are Chuti Khar (<i>chu sti mkhar</i>).
The defile of Riwa (<i>ri ba</i>). The stronghold (not visible) is situated on the right side of the defile. In the foreground are Buddhist ruins. The interior of the castle. A revetment fragment on the hillside. The partially rebuilt Chuser (<i>chu gser</i>) Monastery with wall traces of the runined castle all around it. A citadel building probably reconstructed by Buddhist monastics. Traces of the castle revetments with the earthen ruins of a Chuser (<i>chu gser</i>) monastic structure rising above them. The prominent revetments of the citadel on the outer edge of the east side of the formation. The old citadel walls on the east side of the formation.
The structures of the southeast complex. Probable Buddhist structure, east sector of the northwest complex. Walls of the east sector of the northwest complex. The northwest and southeast (foreground) complexes. The west sector of the northwest complex. The east sector of the northwest complex. A monastic structure at Namgyel Lhatsé (<i>rnam rgyal lha rtse</i>). Note the way in which one of the earthen walls is buttressed with stone.
